
Native offers the following courses to meet today's demand for professionals who are able to successfully conduct themselves in a diverse set of situations where English is needed. Conversation routines, telephone English, business English, political correctness/cultural awareness through English, as well as customized classes to fit your specific needs, are offered by Native's experienced teachers.

Advanced Customized English

The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement...

This 10, 20, or 40hr course is suited to the needs of private or public sector employees in any field of work. A prerequisite meeting between you and a Native language professional will identify your language needs and outline a strategic plan aimed at meeting learning goals.

Price: 200€/ teaching hr

International Business Etiquette

Go and get the advantage...

With English being the most used administrative language in the European Union, it may not surprise you to know that 2 out of 3 English speaking people are non-native English speakers. This 20hr course is designed to bring to light the cultural differences among English speakers that can cause quite serious gaps in communication. These breakdowns in communication can sometimes have very serious consequences to business related or personal interests. Let a Native language professional guide you through exercises that will better prepare you to work successfully in our multicultural, English speaking world.

Price: 4,000€

Presentation Skills

Practice makes perfect...

Presentations are never easy. Presenting in another language adds to the pressure and uncertainty of these often very important situations. Exercises, observations and honed presentation language skills, combined with constructive feedback, create an experience leading to a 'practice makes perfect' situation for the learner. Group size determines the amount of course hours.

Price: 200€/ teaching hr

Business Letter Writing

Put it in writing...

This correspondence course offers feedback concerning business letter writing. Write actual letters and receive valuable feedback on style and language.

Price: 150€ per participant. Includes 3 letters and written feedback following each draft.

Cover letter and C.V. writing

Highlighting your skills...

This correspondence course offers professional advice concerning curriculum vitae and cover letter writing. The course is conducted by email.

C.V. checking: Includes up to 3 checked drafts- 150€
C.V. and cover letter: Includes up to 3 checked drafts: 250€